About “Every Hug Matters®” and “Every Kiss Matters®

At the height of the Covid pandemic in 2020 when social distancing and human touch restrictions were mandates, loving hugs and kisses seemed a critical therapy for a disconnected population.

I am a twelve-year licensed therapeutic massage therapist, nurturemassagestudio.com, who has consistently witnessed the healing benefits of therapeutic touch. As many services were being forced to pause therapeutic touch during this initial Covid pandemic, it seemed the loving pulse of humanity was being reset and reshaped. 

During these restrictions of therapeutic touch, I created two trademarks, “EVERY HUG MATTERS®” and “EVERY KISS MATTERS®” to restore our awareness that each loving hug and kiss contributes to the growth and health of our body, mind, spirit, and the collective consciousness.

Personally, this awareness was heightened while staying on a small private island in Wohoa Bay, Maine. Staying alone on this tiny rock in a tiny home, with its panoramic sounds and views of the water, along with its unspoiled nature, is when my gratitude for all the hugs and kisses I’ve experienced throughout my existence seemed to provide the ultimate comfort. I realized in all these loving hugs and kisses, I am never truly alone even as the sole being on a private island.

As I continued to experience Wohoa Bay’s serenity, I reclaimed the bold gentleness of my being and its inherent ability to honor everyone’s divinity. Indeed, “EVERY HUG MATTERS®” and “EVERY KISS MATTERS®” including the ones we give ourselves!

In the meantime, I hope you can support these inspirational messages, “EVERY HUG MATTERS®” and “EVERY KISS MATTERS®” with the purchase of products available on the Shop page.

With love and gratitude,


Photo by Peter Guttman

Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts… There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature– the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.

– Rachel Carson

Photo by Peter Guttman

Boat ride from marina to Wohoa Bay Island