Wohoa Bay Island

The rocks and the water harmonize their songs throughout the tide changes.

A joyful orchestra accented with the sounds of sea gulls, seals, dolphins, and fishing boats.

There is a palpable sense of serenity amidst the bustle of this bay life.

A certainty that the fog will lift, and the brilliant sunset will expand our earthly perspective.

In this bounty of unspoiled nature are reminders of the important, everyday things we can do to help humanity and ourselves, such as a simple hug, a loving kiss.

In the spirit of love, with the mission of expanding love, one hug and one kiss at a time, are offerings with the inspirational messages, “EVERY HUG MATTERS®” & “EVERY KISS MATTERS®”.

Thank you for sharing the strongest force of nature, LOVE.

With gratitude,

A hug is always the right size

– Winnie the Pooh

What our customers are saying:

Thanks for the video you posted on your web page. I made a loop of it and when I get stressed out and worked up I play it to get recentered. There’s something about the subtle sounds of the waves coming on to shore!

– Jeff, Arizona

The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature

– Joseph Campbell